Track Site #1/ Blue Hole

1629 Park Rd. 59, Glen Rose, Texas, 76043

If you visit the Blue Hole in the morning you are likely to find yourself in one of the most peaceful places in the entire park. You will see soft ripples on the still surface as a turtle dives to hide or a fish strikes for food. You'll hear birds singing and crickets chirping in unison with the leaves rustling in the soft breeze. You might catch a glimpse of a hopeful angler casting his line in hopes of catching a Channel Catfish or a Bluegill.

As the morning warms up, families come to enjoy a dip in the centuries-old favored swimming hole. Kids splash and dive to see who can touch the bottom some 20 feet down in the deepest area, and see if they can spot any of the natural springs that keep the pool full year round. It's no wonder past generations thought they were swimming in a bottomless pit! Blue Hole was actually the first attraction in the area even before the dinosaur tracks. Residents of Somervell County have been recreating in this refreshing natural pool since the late 1800's.

Crawl across the large slabs of rock, or swim up to the edge to take a look at the theropod tracks visible on the limestone ledge just below the water's surface. You may see tiny minnows swimming through the tracks left by that gigantic meat-eater.

The Paluxy is a temperamental and ever changing river that can flood within minutes and dry up within days. The one constant is the Blue Hole which will always have water, and will always have something fun to offer park visitors as is has for hundreds of years.