Track Site #4

1629 Park Rd. 59, Glen Rose, Texas, 76043

One of the best places to view tracks in the park is at track site #4. You will see many well defined theropod tracks and some large sauropod tracks as well. This area is underwater most of the year, which helps to protect it from large temperature fluctuations and freezes that can cause the rock that the tracks are in to break apart. Unlike other stretches of the river, track site #4 rests in a fairly straight and wide section with a slow moving current. This also helps preserve the tracks from erosion caused by rapidly moving water.

The best time to view these tracks is in the summer months when the river has begun to dry up. The easiest way to access this track area is to park in the trailhead parking lot, hike to the river, turn left once you get to the river and start looking for tracks about a quarter mile upstream.